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How astronauts went to the Moon and ended up discovering planet Earth

"Photos of Earthrise from Apollo 8 changed the way we look at the world"

Category: Space


Chilling developments in Dubai

"A refrigerated swimming pool and an artificially cooled beach - Dubai's latest excesses are enough to make conservationists weep. Leo Hickman reports"


Nasa set to launch 'CO2 hunter'

"The US space agency is set to launch a satellite that can map in detail where carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere."

Category: Climate Change


Tidal energy system on full power

"A tidal turbine near the mouth of Strangford Lough has begun producing electricity at full capacity for the first time."

Category: Energy sources


Space shuttles for sale: one careful owner, starting price $42m

"Hard-up Nasa sounds out potential US buyers for two of three remaining shuttles when they stop flying in 2010"

Category: Space

Displaying results 1596 to 1600 out of 2977